
What consists of Insanity Workout program?

Shaun T’s Insanity workout program comes in a pack of 10 DVDs. These include the dig deeper and fit test which will initially test your body and strength. Then it has plyometric cardio circuit which burns fat with max interval. Next is the cardio powered and resistance which builds the muscles in your body and has some strength training with intense moves. The fourth DVD is about cardio recovery where you can go easier and relax so that you can prepare yourself for the next round. The fifth DVD consists of pure cardio/Cardio abs which is an extremely intense and non stop work out. Next is the cardio abs which contains intense moves for hard abs. The seventh DVD is core cardio and balance which again allows you to relax a bit and gear up for the next month. The eight DVD is called Max interval circuit and has much more intense exercises than you would have ever done before. The ninth DVD is Max interval Plyo and focuses on pushing your legs at your maximum. The tenth and the last DVD is max cardio conditioning /cardio abs which tests your limits with an extreme cardio work out. Besides the DVD’s, the program also includes the insanity fitness guide and an elite nutrition plan. It also contains a wall calendar where you can monitor you program. There is also a fit test tracker which tracks the results of the program and you can see the transformation in your body. If you add the P90X power stand push up bars to your workout, you’ll see even better results



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