
Planet, Pets and Play – 3 Reasons Fake Grass Is Hot Right Now

 Planet, Pets and Play: 3 Reasons Fake Grass Is Hot Right Now

The production of synthetic turf is expected to grow by 20% over the next three years. This is in addition to a tripling of production over the last 7.  Why has fake grass become such a hot commodity? It’s because more and more homeowners are realizing all of the benefits that it has to offer.

What are you missing out on you ask? Don’t worry we’re going to help you out with three reasons why more and more people are turning to fake grass for their lawns.

1. No More Watering

How are you supposed to maintain a lush beautiful lawn when more and more municipalities are putting restrictions on watering? Grass is a plant and like any plant, it can’t grow without water.

This leaves you with that brown crunchy gross looking and feeling lawn. Instead, opting for a synthetic lawn means you have a beautiful green lawn year round. No water required.

To make it even better, the synthetic turf is made from a UV resistant polyethylene. This means it’s going to lush and green for years to come, even in the heat of the Dallas sun.



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