
Active kids v liveable cities

 One of the big drivers of increasing installation of artificial turf is population density and increased demands on sporting grounds.

“All councils in Sydney face increasing demand for more sports fields to meet the needs of [a] growing participation in sport,” Sue Heins, the mayor of the Northern Beaches, says.

Northern Beaches council manages 127 sports fields. Six of these are synthetic and allow almost double the playing time of natural grass.

“These new surfaces are more resilient and unlike natural turf, they do not require returfing or weed control and can still be used in wet weather – meaning more play time,” Hein says.

“We have measures in place to prevent any environmental impact of these synthetic surfaces, such as using cork infill instead of rubber and ensuring old synthetic turfs are responsibly recycled at the end of their lifespan”.

Close up on artificial turf formed from soft plastic blades of ‘grass’ and rubber

Artificial turf is formed from soft plastic blades of ‘grass’ and rubber, which require special facilities to recycle. Photograph: Charles Rex Arbogast/AP

But balanced against the more durable surfaces that artificial turf offers are concerns about heat island effects of the artificial product in cities. Unlike natural turf, which stays cool in the sun, artificial grass heats up quickly because it absorbs more solar radiation.

“It’s a material that, like polished metal slides, can cause severe burn injuries,” says Sebastian Pfautsch, an associate professor of urban management and planning at Western Sydney University.

In June this year, the NSW government finally released a report

 In June this year, the NSW government finally released a report by the chief scientist, Hugh Durrant-Whyte, that concluded there were significant environmental impacts from artificial turf but stopped short of recommending a ban. It estimated there were now 181 playing fields using artificial turf in NSW, up from 24 in 2014.

The main concern was potential plastic pollution. Most synthetic sports fields in NSW feature long synthetic blades supported by infill; the most commonly used infill is styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) crumbs sourced from recycled tyres.

A tradie rolls out fake bright green synthetic grass in a backyard

Turf war: fake grass is growing in popularity in Australia, despite concerns about its impact

The SBR crumb is the material most associated with community concerns about contamination. But the chief scientist says there is insufficient information and a lack of standards about the materials and chemical composition of the synthetic turf itself.

“Expert advice to the review estimated that a synthetic turf field without structures to reduce infill loss will wash tens to hundreds of kilograms of infill per year into stormwater systems or waterways,” the report states.


How Artificial Grass Has Changed

 When today’s artificial grass or sports turf is mentioned, it is often referred to as AstroTurf, which many athletes associate with the original rough, harsh, and difficult to navigate turf. This outdated technology has given artificial turf a bad name in the sports world; however, so much has changed since the days of AstroTurf. Technological advances have helped make artificial sports turf easy to switch directions on, cushioned to absorb impacts, and more durable than ever before. Let’s take a look at how artificial sports turf can provide you with a home field advantage.

What Is the Difference Between AstroTurf and Artificial Grass?

 When most people hear the word AstroTurf, they immediately think of it as a term synonymous with residential artificial grass. However, AstroTurf isn’t actually a name given to artificial grass; it is a brand name for a blend of artificial sports turf created in the 1960s. Much like how Kleenex has become synonymous with tissue, or how Band-Aid has become a term for any kind of bandage, AstroTurf has become a “catch-all” name. So, if AstroTurf isn’t just another word for artificial grass, then what is it?

AstroTurf was originally sold under the name ChemGrass. ChemGrass was originally used in the Houston Astrodome, where it gained much of its fame. Soon after, an employee of

AstroTurf, Astro Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Sports Turf

Old AstroTurf in the Astro Dome

ChemGrass coined the name AstroTurf as a nickname for the Astrodome’s synthetic field, and the name has since stuck. Soon after its inception, AstroTurf was a hit and was installed in many professional sports stadiums throughout the country.

In 1970, AstroTurf was used for the first time in a world series when the Reds played the Baltimore Orioles. The Buffalo Bills and Kansas City Chiefs soon followed suit at Rich Stadium and Arrowhead Stadium, respectively. As time went on, more and more teams began to adopt Astroturf in their home fields. However, concerns about player maneuverability and traction soon crept into the forefront, leading AstroTurf to employ a crimped texture to its original material, a concept researched in conjunction with the company Monsanto.

AstroTurf and its partners enjoyed much success until the end of the century when more and more competitors began to emerge into the artificial turf scene. Soon, the original company was forced to declare bankruptcy. Eventually, the brand name was acquired by Textile Management Associates where it is marketed to this day, though with much different technology than was used in the original AstroTurf.


This would make the lawn unusable for sometime.

 This would make the lawn unusable for sometime. Moreover, it also depends on where you are located, if the lawn grass is to grow well.

Natural grass will bear the brunt of the weather throughout the year and become difficult to maintain. The lawn would either become hard and dry or turn into a muddy mess. Pet poop, is also another issue to consider.

Fake grass for pets, is an ideal solution to all your problems. It will enable you to have a well-kept lawn, and at the same time provide the critical space required by your pets.
The need for digging up your lawn to remove pet poop will not arise with fake grass.
The faeces can be easily removed without damaging the lawn. The urine passes through the fake grass and is absorbed by the ground beneath and leaves no odour. In fact, any normal household cleaner can be used to sanitize the area.

How You Can Care For Your Pets With Fake Grass

 Most of us have pets at home and we see to it that they have ample space to move around freely. They would need this provision, not only inside the home, but also outside. What if you added fake grass to the mix?

Just as exercise is important for us, it is also vital that our pets also have their daily workout routines. There are many forms of exercises that are beneficial for our pets. Most importantly, they need space where they can enjoy themselves.

The lawn is probably the best place where pets can frolic in a safe atmosphere and would not need your constant attention.

The major problem with having a natural lawn is that it is subjected to wear and tear. It will also require regular maintenance. The grass has to be watered daily and regular application of weed killers or fertilizers would be required.


Other Benefits of Artifical Grass

 Some artificial turfs are toxic to your pets so it’s important to do your research. Petscapes pedigree turfs are non-toxic for pets and prevent odors that pets normally create on natural lawns.

Artificial grass also means that you will no longer use harmful chemicals to maintain your yard. Going artificial provides a healthier and safer option for your pets and your family.

Other Benefits of Artifical Grass

While your dog is man’s best friend, it’s important to also consider you and your family’s needs. Here are a few benefits of artificial turf:

  • Watering – there is no need to water your artificial grass. Your grass will always be the desired green shade.
  • Mowing – Artificial grass doesn’t grow, so minimum mowing is required. This saves you time, energy, and money.
  • Upkeep – Artifical grass eliminates the possibility of weeds or brown spots. The only upkeep required is the occasional wash down.
  • Appearance – Your lawn will be the envy of all your neighbors with its picture-perfect appearance.
  • Lifespan – many brands will last up to 15 years. This gives you over a decade of worry-free lawncare.

Easy Clean-Up

 Cleaning up after your pets is easy when it comes to artificial grass. You can clean up solids like you normally would, by scooping them up. Wash away urine and other messes with a hose.

With petscapes pedigree turfs, liquids will drain due to our antibacterial turf infill. This component, called Durafill, has urine neutralizing qualities to help with odor issues.

No Digging Allowed

Do you have a dog that likes to dig? If so, artificial turf for dogs is the answer you’ve been looking for. Try as they might, even the biggest dog won’t be able to dig through the artificial turf.

This will break your dogs of that pesky habit and eliminate the ugly holes from your yard.

Why Artificial Grass for Dogs Is a Pet-Friendly Option

 Why Artificial Grass for Dogs Is a Pet-Friendly Option

Forty-four percent of households in Texas own at least one dog. Maintaining your yard and keeping it safe can be a hassle for dog owners. Artificial grass is an affordable option that many pet owners forget about. Read below to discover why you should invest in artificial grass for dogs.

Durable for Play

Fake grass for dogs is great when it comes to playful pups. Whether you have a St. Bernard or a Chihuahua, dogs can be tough on grass. Your yard will no longer have worn down areas or brown spots where your dog likes to play.

Play will also be safer because artificial grass provides a level surface. Choosing a spongy, soft surface will provide a comfortable surface for your dog’s paws. Guests and family members will also enjoy the soft surface.


Final Thoughts on Having an Artificial Turf Lawn

 If you’re still undecided about whether or not an artificial turf lawn is the best option for you, that’s okay. Artificial lawns can be expensive, and the sticker price can be shocking.

Keep in mind though, that these lawns can last for 15-20 years. Not only that, but there are numerous options available that can include blade lengths, ‘grass’ types, and other considerations.

It is also important to consider exactly how much you will save over the lifespan of the turf. From water bills to pesticides, time spent mowing, lawn mowers, and sprinkler systems, an artificial turf lawn will easily pay for itself!

Mental Health Benefits

 Winter months mean shorter days and dreary-looking plants. There is actually a type of depression linked to the colder months and it is called Seasonal Affective Disorder.

You cannot change the amount of time that the sun is out for each day. However, you can take advantage of the daylight you do have.

Aside from getting more sunlight during winter months, it is important to have access to green space. Having an artificial turf lawn will definitely make you more inclined to get outside, even if just for a few minutes.

Getting some sunlight and being around your green space has shown signs of alleviating symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, as well as generally boosting your mood.

Aesthetically Pleasing

With fake grass, your yard will be beautiful all year long. When you glance at your neighbor’s dead grass in the middle of winter, you can smile. You can smile knowing that your grass is not alive yet looks amazing.

When the weather becomes colder and either snow or rain falls, lawns can become mudholes. Guests walking through natural grass will eventually wear a path that will be visible and ugly all year long.

Not to mention, the creation of that path will inevitably track dirt, water, and mud into your home, leaving you with a mess. 

The Benefits of an Artificial Turf Lawn During Winter

 Have you ever watched golf on TV and thought, “that grass looks fantastic!” Probably so. Chances are, the grass you see is artificial. The reason that golf courses choose artificial grass is that it is easier to maintain and is green year-round. Believe it or not, there are numerous benefits to choosing an artificial turf lawn for your own yard. We’ve compiled the best reasons to consider a fake grass lawn before next winter! Keep reading for more information!

No More Maintenance

Some people actually like to cut their lawn. Others can’t stand the thought of the dirt, dust, and grass blowing all around. Opting for an artificial lawn means never having to cut grass again.

It also means that your water bill won’t be as high during summer months, nor will you have to worry about ridding the lawn of pests and weeds. This fact alone will save a decent amount of money.

Winterizing your lawn will become a simple process. Simply use a leaf blower to remove any debris. No ‘last mow of the season,’ fall reseeding, or fertilizing.


Isn’t it about time you considered fake grass for your Dallas home?

 Isn’t it about time you considered fake grass for your Dallas home? Think about the beautiful lawn and improved curb appeal you would have for less expense in time, effort, and money.

With improved technology, you will have a realistic looking and feeling lawn. Gone are the days of the unforgiving and scratchy plastic turf.

This new lawn will make even your furry family members happy. Plus you’ll love how it drains and keep your lawn looking great and your pets clean.

Both of which mimic actual varieties of grass.

 2. It Looks Real

Gone are the days of the obviously fake and not so nice feeling AstroTurf. Technology has come so far since then with improving the look and feel of synthetic lawns.

Now you have your choice of short or long fibers. Both of which mimic actual varieties of grass. This means you could have your choice of synthetic Bermuda, zoysia, or St. Augustine grass.

3. Pet-Friendly

With fake grass, you no longer have to deal with your furry loved ones coming into the house all dirty and muddy. This will save you a ton of time when it comes to cleaning their paws or giving them a full-on bath.

Artificial grass also drains better than real grass. This means you’ll experience fewer puddles and pooling. Thanks to a proprietary backing, it drains freely while stopping weeds from making their way up through.

You can also throw away harmful pesticides. With a natural lawn, you’re constantly fighting the bug battle to protect you and your pets. A fake lawn has nothing to offer pests, so they won’t make a home.

Planet, Pets and Play – 3 Reasons Fake Grass Is Hot Right Now

 Planet, Pets and Play: 3 Reasons Fake Grass Is Hot Right Now

The production of synthetic turf is expected to grow by 20% over the next three years. This is in addition to a tripling of production over the last 7.  Why has fake grass become such a hot commodity? It’s because more and more homeowners are realizing all of the benefits that it has to offer.

What are you missing out on you ask? Don’t worry we’re going to help you out with three reasons why more and more people are turning to fake grass for their lawns.

1. No More Watering

How are you supposed to maintain a lush beautiful lawn when more and more municipalities are putting restrictions on watering? Grass is a plant and like any plant, it can’t grow without water.

This leaves you with that brown crunchy gross looking and feeling lawn. Instead, opting for a synthetic lawn means you have a beautiful green lawn year round. No water required.

To make it even better, the synthetic turf is made from a UV resistant polyethylene. This means it’s going to lush and green for years to come, even in the heat of the Dallas sun.


Is Artificial Turf Safe for Your Family?

 The cause for concern in artificial turf is the backing made of tires. Although the scientific community still discusses the issue regularly, no evidence points to the grass as a health hazard.

Is it safe for your family? Installing it outdoors is safe, and as long as your children don’t eat the infill for their daily afternoon snack, your family likely sees no risk.

Do you have more questions about adding artificial grass? We would love to help.

Is Artificial Turf Dangerous?

 The evidence for issues like cancer is anecdotal. The list of kids diagnosed with cancer comes from personal experience – not a scientific data set. At present, no research links artificial grass and cancer.

At the same time, the lack of testing the safety of artificial grass – and chemicals used to manufacture it – sometimes allows individuals to draw their own conclusions. An extensive investigation by NBC News couldn’t find any consensus on the matter.

The Synthetic Turf Council say they have 14 studies available that do not link adverse health effects to artificial turf. In other words, they argue that it is safe for kids.

What’s the Verdict?

No one is saying that artificial turf doesn’t come with some exposure to chemicals of potential concern (COPC) – just as a treated natural lawn does. However, scientists say that exposure to these chemicals is low enough to that it doesn’t reach the threshold of concern.

The scientific community limits its advice to suggesting that any facilities using artificial turf indoors – where exposure is highest – provide plenty of ventilation to avoid the buildup of chemicals.


Isn’t it about time you considered fake grass for your Dallas home?


Fake Grass

Isn’t it about time you considered fake grass for your Dallas home? Think about the beautiful lawn and improved curb appeal you would have for less expense in time, effort, and money.

With improved technology, you will have a realistic looking and feeling lawn. Gone are the days of the unforgiving and scratchy plastic turf.

This new lawn will make even your furry family members happy. Plus you’ll love how it drains and keep your lawn looking great and your pets clean.

Planet, Pets and Play – 3 Reasons Fake Grass Is Hot Right Now


Planet, Pets and Play: 3 Reasons Fake Grass Is Hot Right Now

The production of synthetic turf is expected to grow by 20% over the next three years. This is in addition to a tripling of production over the last 7.  Why has fake grass become such a hot commodity? It’s because more and more homeowners are realizing all of the benefits that it has to offer.

What are you missing out on you ask? Don’t worry we’re going to help you out with three reasons why more and more people are turning to fake grass for their lawns.

1. No More Watering

How are you supposed to maintain a lush beautiful lawn when more and more municipalities are putting restrictions on watering? Grass is a plant and like any plant, it can’t grow without water.

This leaves you with that brown crunchy gross looking and feeling lawn. Instead, opting for a synthetic lawn means you have a beautiful green lawn year round. No water required.

To make it even better, the synthetic turf is made from a UV resistant polyethylene. This means it’s going to lush and green for years to come, even in the heat of the Dallas sun.

2. It Looks Real

Gone are the days of the obviously fake and not so nice feeling AstroTurf. Technology has come so far since then with improving the look and feel of synthetic lawns.

Now you have your choice of short or long fibers. Both of which mimic actual varieties of grass. This means you could have your choice of synthetic Bermuda, zoysia, or St. Augustine grass.

3. Pet-Friendly

With fake grass, you no longer have to deal with your furry loved ones coming into the house all dirty and muddy. This will save you a ton of time when it comes to cleaning their paws or giving them a full-on bath.

Artificial grass also drains better than real grass. This means you’ll experience fewer puddles and pooling. Thanks to a proprietary backing, it drains freely while stopping weeds from making their way up through.

You can also throw away harmful pesticides. With a natural lawn, you’re constantly fighting the bug battle to protect you and your pets. A fake lawn has nothing to offer pests, so they won’t make a home.


The Amazing Savings that the Best Artificial Grass for Dogs Can Get You

 Installing pet-friendly artificial grass for dogs in your residential spaces keeps your pets healthier and happier. Synthetic turf resembles the look and feel of real grass, so your pet will feel right at home on these surfaces.

What’s more, artificial turf does not need as much maintenance as real grass. Now you can say hello to a stress-free and cost-effective yard for years to come! Save BIG with when you make the switch to synthetic grass!

Things You Can Save with Pet-Friendly Artificial Pet Turf

Today, more and more homeowners continue to reap the many advantages of artificial turf installation. They were able to save BIG on a lot of household expenses. You, too, can save more by investing in the best synthetic grass!

Save on the following when you install artificial grass:

• Water

Natural turf requires regular watering to stay green. Premium synthetic grass in Dallas, on the other hand, does not require watering to stay green and vibrant. Simply hose down the feces and urine of your pet to keep it clean and odor-free. Say goodbye to astronomically high-water bills with your artificial grass scape!

• Housecleaning Solutions

Natural lawn attracts dirt that can be hard to clean, especially during the rainy season. Your dog will drag soil into the house, bringing in harmful bacteria with them.  With synthetic grass, your canine will no longer track in dirt after a long walk on the lawn. There is no soil at the surface, so there is nothing for water to mix with to form mud. As a result, you don’t have to tidy your floor using cleaning solutions. Less cleaning, less hassle!

• Flea Treatments

Since artificial turf in Dallas does not attract fleas like natural grass, you can save up on the flea treatments that you will use on your dog. No more scratching and irritating reactions from your pet when he comes out to play!

• Trips to the Vet

Artificial grass is non-allergenic, so your pooch can always enjoy the lawn, free from all potential health hazards. This means that your dog does not need to go to the vet for reasons other than their regular check up. In addition, you can save on medicine and therapy expenses.

• Mowing Costs

Natural grass requires mowing to retain its ideal height. The good news is that artificial turf stays the same height, eliminating the need for mowing, mulching and trimming for good. As a result, you save on fuel for your lawnmower and labor expenses for hiring someone to mow the lawn for you!


How Synthetic Grass in Dallas Eliminates Toxic Chemicals from Yard Care

 Lush, thick synthetic grass in Dallas is a practical ground cover for yards thanks to its low-maintenance nature. Its realistic texture and natural green tones make it ideal for landscaping. Perfect for many applications like playgrounds, pet runs, and gardens, no wonder its popularity has skyrocketed in recent years.

Besides these benefits, artificial grass also makes safer lawns. It completely eliminates the use of toxic and dangerous lawn care chemicals, making backyards a more welcoming place for your family and guests.

The 101 on Lawn Care Chemicals

Lawn care chemicals include more than just fertilizers. Real grass is vulnerable to numerous elements – insects, weeds and diseases are just a few – and chemicals help keep these issues at bay. That’s why weedicides, insecticides, herbicides and pesticides are common tools in a homeowner’s yard care arsenal.

Unfortunately, these substances are incredibly toxic to humans and animals. When it comes to yard chemicals, it’s important to know a few facts:

The chemicals created to kill pests are mostly broad-spectrum biocides. This makes them poisonous to a wide variety of living beings, including wildlife, garden plants, pets and people.

Of all the common lawn pesticides, a number have been linked to carcinogenicity, birth defects, organ damage and other health issues.

In a study of more than 9, 000 people nationwide, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found pesticides in 100% of subjects who had both their urine and blood tested.

You can come into contact with toxic lawn care substances in many ways. This includes being present during application and breathing in the vapors. Exposure also happens if you touch contaminated surfaces like lawn furniture, or if your shoes and clothing come in contact with grass.

Children are at high risk for toxin exposure because they tend to crawl and play on grass. This is true for pets as well, who also love playing on grass and may sometimes ingest it.


4 Synthetic Grass Trends Taking Over Dallas

 There’s no question 2020 changed the amenities game for homeowners and, with that, the synthetic grass trends taking over Dallas. Synthetic grass has been the #1 Dallas landscaping upgrade trend for 2021. Homeowners are seeing the returns of investment in quality products for their yard – especially synthetic grass. Its durability, versatility, and absolutely beautiful aesthetic make it the perfect addition to any landscape.

Here are some of the trends we’ve seen emerging the last few months:

  1. Upgraded Poolscapes with Synthetic Grass

    Dallas is no stranger to summer heat. Pool contractors have seen an increase in pool installations and upgrades this year. The winter storm of 2021 really escalated the pool re-design and upgrade trend we’re seeing. Many people experienced extensive damage to pipes, pool tiles, and plaster and since extensive work needed to be done – time to upgrade!

    We have seen many homeowners upgrading their pool decking design with our beautiful turf ribbons this year. They add a sophisticated touch. Everyone who sees the criss-cross turf ribbon pool-decking design cannot believe how beautiful it is! No maintenance required.

    We have also seen many homeowners finishing off their pool install with synthetic grass around the pool area. It makes sense to use synthetic grass in this design. No mowing or weed-eating means no grass getting into your pool. No mowing means no figuring out how to get around the features with your large mower. And no mud! Synthetic grass is a perfect addition to any poolscape.

6 Reasons Why Artificial Turf in Dallas is Perfect for Sustainable Landscaping

 You’ve heard the adage, ‘Go green or go home.’ Today, more and more homeowners are making an effort to reduce their environmental footprint by choosing sustainable landscaping options. Artificial turf in Dallas is one such option, and it can help you create a beautiful outdoor living space while also protecting the environment.

1. Low Maintenance

You can save time and energy with artificial grass, as it requires less maintenance than other options. With reduced labor, it’s a great option for those who want to reduce the amount of time spent on lawn care while still enjoying the look of lush, green grass.

Artificial turf is incredibly durable and has been known to last upwards of 10 years when properly cared for. It can handle heavy foot traffic without damage so is suitable for high-traffic areas, like patios and playgrounds.

2. Water Conservation

Installing artificial turf in Dallas reduces the amount of water needed for maintenance, and this helps conserve valuable resources. 

Additionally, because it requires less water than natural grass, there’s less risk of runoff pollution from excess fertilizer and other chemicals used to maintain a healthy lawn.

3. Less Carbon Footprint

Unlike natural grass, which requires carbon-producing tasks, like mowing, fertilizing, and chemical treatments, artificial turf doesn’t require any of these resources.

This means that there is no need to use alternative energy sources, such as gas or electricity, for synthetic lawn maintenance. 

Additionally, artificial grass in Dallas doesn’t require any chemical fertilizers or pesticides to maintain its lush green color and vibrancy. So you don’t have to worry about polluting the environment with hazardous chemicals.

4. Durable and Long Lasting

Investing in artificial turf is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a landscaping solution that will remain beautiful for years to come. It’s made from sustainable materials and designed to withstand different weather conditions without wearing down or fading in color.

It’s also tough enough to withstand foot traffic, excessive use, and heavy furniture without getting damaged.

5. Cost Effective

Installing artificial turf is a great way to maintain your outdoor space without breaking the bank. The initial installation of artificial grass might be hefty, but it pays for itself over time, as you save money on water and energy bills. 

You won’t need to buy any additional tools or equipment like lawnmowers or sprinklers for upkeep, making it an affordable choice compared to traditional landscaping methods.

Furthermore, you’ll be able to avoid spending money on expensive fertilizers and herbicides since artificial turf doesn’t require such chemicals for maintenance–this can help you save even more money in the long run. 

6. Versatile and Attractive

Whether you’re looking for a lush green lawn or something more modern, artificial grass can provide the perfect solution. The versatility of synthetic turf makes it an ideal choice for any outdoor space. It can be used in gardens, patios, balconies, pool areas, and even rooftops where other options may not be suitable.

Feel free to get creative with your Dallas landscaping ideas. With high-quality turf and the help of a professional installer, you can achieve any design without any hassle.


Turf Distributors’ products use the highest quality materials and cutting-edge manufacturing techniques for a superior product.

 Turf Distributors’ products use the highest quality materials and cutting-edge manufacturing techniques for a superior product.

Industry-leading technology: The molecular structure of our DuraBlade™ turf fibers has a longer carbon chain to increase resilience, durability, temperature resistance, and the look and feel of the final product.

Optimum Flow™ backing: Our non-perforated backing increases drainage by 830% to reduce drier, cleaner, turf without unpleasant plant odors. 

Higher Durability: DuraBlade™ yarn is two times more durable than other existing materials, which means better resistance to heavy use.

W & Wave Blade Shape: W blade shapes reduce heat by up to 15 degrees compared to other blade types for a more comfortable lawn. The folded design also reflects more light for a natural looking lawn. 

Pet Approved: Our Optimum Flow™ series paired with Zeofill infill makes pet clean up quick and easy. Superior drainage and odor resistance means your clients worry less about messes, odors, and cleaning up.

Temperature resistance: DuraBlade™ yarn is UV-resistant to protect against fading caused by sunlight.

Improved look: DuraBlade™ yarn has a soft feel and natural look to mimic natural grass.

Curated selection: Choose from a wide range of projects to achieve a luxurious lawn for lounging and entertaining, an optimal sports playing field, and more. Our products are specifically designed with the end use in mind. Your client is bound to find a product they love and will fit the needs of their synthetic turf project. 

Warranty Backed: We are so confident in the quality and durability of our products that we offer warranties for up to 16 years.

Best Artificial Turf Around Pools: Your Buyer’s Guide

 Make the most out of your pool area! Artificial turf provides a safe non-slip surface for poolside play. It looks and feels just like natural grass, except it won’t wilt from exposure to chlorine or sunshine. Turf Distributors offers a wide selection of quality artificial turf products. Our turf lawns are safe, easy to clean, and require virtually zero maintenance.

Know Your Turf

Turf Distributors has turf to match every lifestyle! From lush lawns to pool decks, putting greens, sports turf, playground turf, and more, we have top-quality synthetic turf for your client’s lifestyle and budget. 

Artificial turf is a great addition to a pool oasis because it’s durable, luxurious, low maintenance, and won’t wilt from chlorine exposure. Clients won’t worry about fresh cut grass blades in their pool or sticking to wet feet. 

Help your clients find the right specs for them. Choosing a turf with our W or Wave shaped blades and Zeofill infill will help keep lawns up to 20 degrees cooler. W shaped synthetic turf also creates a lush lawn and playing or lounging area. 

Clients with pets and children enjoy our Optimum Flow™ technology. This proprietary technology drains 830% faster than other turf brands for faster drying and easy clean up. When wet surfaces can be a hazard around the pool, Optimum Flow™ backing creates a safer place to swim and play. The fast draining backings quickly whisk away water, while our blades provide the grip you need to keep your footing. 

Our infill, Zeofill, helps eliminate odors from spills and pet waste and reduce the growth of microorganisms for a cleaner surface.

Recommend the right artificial turf type depending on your customers’ preferences. They may want a higher pile height for a more lush, natural grass look. Or, they may opt for a short pile for easier clean up and playing golf, tennis, or bocce ball around the pool.


How Businesses Can Save Money by Ordering Wholesale Artificial Grass

Ordering wholesale artificial grass from Turf Outlet can help save businesses money in several ways. Our wholesale prices make our turf incredibly affordable, especially in comparison to other artificial grass suppliers. But the savings do not stop after you place your order! Our commercial synthetic grass requires less upkeep than traditional grass lawns and landscaping. This means that businesses can save money on water, landscaping, and other lawn maintenance costs. So with it on a commercial property, business owners can continue to save money throughout the long lifespan of our commercial-grade artificial turf.

Indoor soccer field with artificial grass

Turf Outlet Works Directly with Contractors to Supply Commercial Artificial Grass

At Turf Outlet, we work closely with general contractors and other turf installers to provide them with the commercial artificial grass surfaces they need. This means having our turf products readily available for your projects when you need them. By partnering with us at Turf Outlet, contractors can provide their clients with a reliable and high-quality product that will last for years.


Why Artificial Turf Is Better Than Grass for Golf

 Golf enthusiasts in Santa Monica, CA, understand the importance of well-maintained greens for an optimal golfing experience. With the rising popularity of artificial turf putting greens, many golf courses and residential players are opting for its benefits over traditional grass. In this blog post, we will explore why artificial turf offered by Waterless Turf in Santa Monica is the superior choice for golfers and golf course owners alike.

Consistency and Aesthetics

One of the significant advantages of artificial turf is its ability to provide a consistent playing surface all year round. Unlike natural grass, which requires regular mowing, watering, and fertilization, artificial turf maintains its lush, green appearance with minimal maintenance. This ensures consistent ball roll, enabling players to focus on their game without worrying about inconsistencies caused by varying grass heights.

Low Maintenance

Maintaining a grass golf course can be a time-consuming and costly challenge. Synthetic turf, on the other hand, requires minimal maintenance. It eliminates the need for mowing, watering, and fertilizing, freeing up valuable time and resources. Additionally, the absence of chemicals used in natural grass maintenance makes artificial turf a more environmentally friendly choice.

Durability and Longevity

With the continuous foot traffic and golf carts rolling over the course, natural grass can wear out quickly, leading to unsightly divots and inconsistent playing conditions. Artificial turf, constructed with durable materials and designed to withstand heavy use, offers exceptional durability and longevity. Golfers can enjoy a well-maintained course that provides consistent play for many years to come.



 How much can I save by installing artificial grass? It’s one of our most frequently asked questions, and our answer is always the same. A lot. You can save a lot.

Artificial grass eliminates the need for fertilizing, mowing, and trimming your lawn in addition to conserving water. But that’s just a lot of words. Let’s see what the numbers break down to:

These costs may vary according to square footage, the city, and other factors, but the principle is still the same. By switching to artificial grass, you can save thousands of dollars every year! Your return on investment (ROI) can be made quicker than you might think. Savings start immediately.

Installing artificial grass on your property is a significant investment, and Ags turf is here to fulfill your landscaping vision! We also offer a variety of financing options for our clients, and we are dedicated to doing what we can to make sure our clients are satisfied with their new synthetic lawn.


There are several components that determine a turf’s durability:

In our turf grass products, synthetic blades are tucked into a polyurethane backing that keeps the fibers intact. The most durable backings can resist thousands of pounds of resistance per square inch, making them optimal for high-traffic areas such as sports fields. There are two layers to the backing: the primary backing, where the blades are looped through, and the coating where the tuft bind is glued in. Tuft bind can withstand about ten pounds of force, on average, before monofilament will be removed from the backing. This is much more substantial and resistant than natural grass, which can be pulled out extremely easily, resulting in unattractive patches on your lawn.  


Face weight is another factor in a turf product’s durability. Face weight is the weight of the fibers within the product. The heavier the face weight is, the stronger and more hardwearing it is. Our lightest option, Everglade Fescue Light, has a face weight of approximately 50 ounces, whereas our most heavy-duty option, Tacoma, comes in at about 90 ounces. The former is recommended for light to moderate traffic, whereas the latter is recommended for heavy traffic. If the product chosen has too light of a face weight, the lifespan of your artificial turf will be decreased, and the quality of your lawn’s appearance is lessened.


Have they been recognized by customers and their peers for the quality of their work?

 Credentials – A reputable artificial grass installation company should have its license number posted on its website. Additionally, check for any affiliations to local business organizations.

Awards – Have they been recognized by customers and their peers for the quality of their work?

BBB Rating – The Better Business Bureau is known for carefully grading and reviewing businesses based on customers’ interactions with them. Checking an installer’s BBB rating should shed some light on where they stand with customers.

Community Involvement – Are your installers part of their local chamber of commerce? Generally, any business in good standing with their chamber of commerce has a solid reputation within their respective community.

Because artificial grass is a significant investment, it is important to feel completely comfortable with your chosen installer. If you’re looking for a synthetic grass company that can grant you peace of mind with quality artificial turf installation, look no further than Grizzly Turf. We are fully staffed with experienced, licensed installers who will be with you every step of the way, from consultation to installation. Not to mention, each product is backed by a 15-year warranty and a 100% client satisfaction guarantee. If you’re ready to make the switch, contact us today at (866) 237-8873 or visit us online and experience the Grizzly difference.



 Sometimes a newly-built home’s yard doesn’t quite match a property’s overall aesthetic. When this happens, it can make for an awkward, off-putting look that detracts from a home. Artificial grass installation can help remedy this issue and allow homeowners to achieve uniformity between their yard and property. Artificial grass installation can give you a chance to make your yard look just as good as the house itself.


Building a new home can be an expensive endeavor. Many will understandably want to cut back on spending to avoid completely emptying their wallet. Fortunately, synthetic grass can save you money and provide you with much-needed financial relief.  

Unlike natural grass, artificial grass is easy to maintain and doesn’t require costly maintenance activities like regular watering, mowing and fertilizing to preserve its excellent condition. This allows homeowners to save on lawn care and monthly bills. Over time, homeowners should see much higher savings than they would have with natural grass. 


There aren’t many ways to increase the value of a newly-built home. However, one way to do so is through your yard or garden. By giving your yard a visual upgrade with synthetic grass, you can enhance your home’s curb appeal and value.  

Artificial turf is a stunning surface that will visually impress guests and onlookers. Prospective buyers will appreciate your synthetic turf’s unparalleled beauty and easy-to-maintain structure that reduces costs. If the time ever comes to sell your home, you’ll be able to get more money, thanks to your synthetic grass surface. 


 One of the many advantages of having a newly-built home is the freedom to shape it to your liking. While most design decisions will involve your home’s interior, you’ll also have to think about your outdoor space and the type of surface you want for your lawn. 

While you could settle for natural grass, artificial grass is the superior surface for a newly-built home. New homeowners should consider artificial grass installation because of the numerous functional and visual benefits of having a turf surface. 


You want a surface that you never have to worry about, no matter what it goes through. Synthetic turf can fulfill this need thanks to its remarkable durability. Artificial grass installation will provide you with a rugged surface built to last for many years.  

Synthetic grass will maintain excellent performance even through heavy use and harsh weather conditions. Your family, children and pets will be able to use your artificial turf surface all year long without any trouble or interruptions. 


 As part of the installation process, you’ll work with your artificial grass installer to develop and implement a synthetic grass putting green design. Here are some things that you should consider doing to ensure a fun design that works for your home:

Pick an area with a safe distance from vehicles and windows.

Ensure that there are light sources near your putting green so you can play anytime you want to, even at night. 

Use greenery and potted plants as obstacles to increase the challenge of your artificial grass putting green.

Consider adding multiple holes to add variety and spice up your putting green experience. 

Don’t let the size of your yard stop you from enjoying the benefits of a private putting green. Get in touch with Grizzly Turf to install a backyard artificial grass putting green for your home. 


Artificial Lawn

 Premium, realistic Artificial Grass Dallas has become a popular and eco-friendly choice. Especially for homeowners who want to maintain a perfect lawn. But without all of the costly maintenance. Mixing artificial grass with boulders, cacti, shade trees and flowers creates an oasis that looks fully native to the area. Additionally, your artificial lawn will continue to maintain its vibrant color in every season.

Where to add synthetic grass to your lawn:





Putting Green

Dog Run


Landscape Design in Dallas

The Perfect Lawn is DFW’s trusted and preferred artificial grass installation company. In addition to our top-quality synthetic grass, our hard-earned reputation comes from our commitment to providing world-class customer service and professional landscape design. With many durable styles that look and feel just like healthy grass, our artificial turf will be a beautiful addition to your home. 

However, don’t make the mistake of hiring the wrong team or taking on a meticulous landscape design project yourself. Instead, call The Perfect Lawn. Our Dallas landscapers have the necessary training, vision, and expertise to help create incredible designs with synthetic grass for both residential and commercial applications.


Installation Process of Artificial Turf


1. Site Preparation

Before synthetic grass can be installed, the site must be properly prepared. This includes removing any existing grass, weeds, or debris, and ensuring that the soil is level and compact. If necessary, the site may need to be graded to ensure proper drainage. Additionally, any irrigation or drainage systems must be properly installed or adjusted to work with the synthetic grass.

2. Base Installation

Once the site has been prepared, the next step is to install the base layer. This typically involves laying down a layer of crushed stone or gravel, which is then compacted to create a stable and even surface. This base layer provides a stable foundation for the synthetic grass and helps to ensure proper drainage.

3. Artificial Turf Installation

After the base layer has been installed and compacted, the synthetic grass can be laid down. The synthetic grass is typically delivered in rolls, which are then laid out over the base layer. The edges of the synthetic grass are then secured with stakes or adhesive to ensure it stays in place.

4. Infill Installation

After the synthetic grass has been installed, the next step is to add infill. Infill is a material that is spread over the surface of the synthetic grass to help it stand upright and provide cushioning. Common infill materials include sand, rubber, and a combination of both. The amount and type of infill used will depend on the specific product being installed and the intended use of the synthetic grass.

5. Final Touches

Once the infill has been installed, the final touches can be added. This may include trimming the edges of the synthetic grass to fit the space, adding decorative borders or patterns, or installing any necessary accessories such as drainage systems or pet waste stations.


Introduction to Cheap Artificial Turf

 Artificial turf, once reserved for sports stadiums and high-end properties, has become an increasingly popular landscaping option for budget-conscious homeowners and businesses alike. Cheap artificial turf offers a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to natural grass without compromising on aesthetics and functionality. In this article, we will explore the key features and benefits of affordable artificial turf, making it a viable choice for various applications.

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